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Webshop » WOMAN RESALE » SHOES WOMAN » OPEN SHOES, SANDALS » UGG open shoes - EUR 40 - Pre Loved

UGG open shoes - EUR 40 - Pre Loved

S/165 UGG open shoes  - EUR 40 - Pre Loved

S/165 UGG open shoes  - EUR 40 - Pre LovedS/165 UGG open shoes  - EUR 40 - Pre LovedS/165 UGG open shoes  - EUR 40 - Pre LovedS/165 UGG open shoes  - EUR 40 - Pre Loved
UGG open shoes 
Size: EUR 40 
Insole length: 26 m 
Heel height: 10 cm 
Quality: 100% suede and cord 
In excellent condition 
New price was: +/- 145 euros 
LS Pre Loved price: 45 euros

€ 35.00

Sold out

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